Physical Analyzer enables the examination of multiple data sources from the broadest range of mobile applications, digital devices, warrant returns and the cloud.
Surface actionable intelligence
The application insights and customizable dashboard widgets highlight key insights worth reviewing. Helping to focus the initial examination efforts.
Visualize timeline of events
The advanced graphical timeline allows you to build a storyline of events and zoom-in on a time window of interest.
Dive deeper with advanced decoding
Reassemble device and application data into readable formats with SQLite Wizard, Python scripting, App Genie and Hex highlighting.
Ingest multiple formats
Ingest data collected from Cellebrite UFED, Cellebrite Premium, cloud warrant returns and other data collection tools.
Streamline your workflow
Streamline data with UFED Cloud or into Cellebrite Pathfinder. Users can also export data into an eDiscovery solution.
From encrypted data to actionable intelligence, Cellebrite Physical Analyzer helps your forensic lab to uncover digital evidence and create court-ready exhibits.