Micron 512GB M.2 SSD

Micron 512GB M.2 SSD Data Recovered

SSD Drive Recovery

Initial Cause of Data Loss

A customer contacted us to recover data from a Micron 512GB M.2 SSD. The Micron SSD was removed from a laptop, and it has an issue while booting up the laptop, initially, the laptop still can be powered on but sometimes it couldn’t, recently it failed, and BIOS was unable to detect the SSD at all. Company IT assisted her to check, he removed the SSD and replace a new SSD and the laptop was able to detect the new SSD, he tried to read the problematic SSD with an enclosure but was unable to detect the SSD as well. They suspect the SSD was faulty, she checked the server backup but the backup on their company server was incomplete, and a lot of data weren’t backed up to their server.

SSD Drive Recovery

EHDR’s data recovery specialist proceeds to diagnose the SSD and confirmed that the SSD has degraded and failed to work. After the confirmation, we proceed with the recovery. The chips are in decent condition and the recovery was successful. They enabled two types of encryptions to encrypt the data, Bitlocker, and PGP ( Pretty Good Privacy ). After decrypted PGP, data are still encrypted, we proceed with BitLocker decryption, and it was successful.

Data Recovery Outcome

She checked the data and was happy that all the latest work files and emails were recovered and in working condition. The data were transferred to a new drive for her.


When it comes to a storage device, no matter what type of drive you choose, there is always a chance of device failure. If you are using full disk encryption, you must remember what kind of encryption and store the decryption key somewhere safe, otherwise, all the recovered data will be invalid and unreadable.                                                                                                                                        

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