SanDisk Micro SD Monolithic Data Recovery Singapore

Recently we just receive a Micro SD data recovery case. Our engineer accesses this case and after the evaluation, we must use monolithic for recovery.

Above image are the picture that we have done the moulding of the Micro SD for recovery. When all the contacts are soldered, make sure that no one of them is connected to the GND layer! All the pins must be fixed very tightly!

Now we are ready to plug our Circuit Board to PC-3000 Flash and start the reading process on this Micro SD data recovery!

All even parts – will be first parts of our chips: 0, 2, 4, 6;

All odd parts – will be the second parts of our chips: 1, 3, 5, 7;

SM2234H firmware program see all this parts like a 2 logical chip arrays, and all writing operation with blocks and pages will be performed with this virtual logical memory chips. Controller, at the same time will split all data by bytes and will placed data in each CE part.

We shouldn’t forget about real memory chip order! We remember that this order is very important, and we need to use Ux marking of chips on PCB during NAND unsoldering and reading. In our case we have only dumps, we don’t know real order. So, what should we do?

Exist one very interesting way, how to detect memory chip order in SM2234H controller. If we will check first bytes in first blocks of every parts in Service Information tool: 0, 2, 4, 6, we will see a part of bytes: S4R, M2A, 2P, 2A.

After several ways to build back the transformation and ECC of this Micro SD data recovery, finally we see all the files that stored in this SD Card 😊

Above are the structured folder and files that has been recovered on this Micro SD data recovery case! The percentage of this Micro SD data recovery is 100%. We are happy to produce this result to our customer.

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sd card data recovery singapore

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