Seagate BarraCuda 3.5″ HDD 4TB
Seagate BarraCuda 3.5" HDD 4TB
Case description:
A customer contacted us regards to his external hard drive recovery. He has a 4TB external hard drive which were for the company use and it contain a lot of their important data such as their portfolio, artwork, design files and etc.. The hard drive has been used for more than three years and a few days ago, when he tried to connect the hard drive to his computer, he could open the drive and were able to see the folders and files, but couldn’t access the files. When he tried to open a folder or a files, it takes a very long time and the computer will freeze. He tried safely remove and re-plug in the drive, but the drive cannot be detected anymore.
Action (Solution):
Our recovery specialist open a case for the customer and proceed with the diagnosis. During the diagnosis, specialist identified the issue of the drive and confirmed it was the hardware issue of the hard drive. The hardware of the hard disk was degraded and faulty, but the good news was the platter was not damaged or scratched, data recovery is possible. After the confirmation with the client, our team carefully replaced the faulty hardware component in clean room and starts the data extraction process.
The Outcome
The data extraction was successful, and no major error encountered during the data extraction. Customer checked the data and were happy with the result of the recovery, over 99% of data were recovered, and all their design files were recovered.
If you encounter similar problem as above, please do not try to open the enclosure of the drive as it might causes the platter damage and might suffer from data loss. You may look for any proper recovery centre or contact us Ever Higher Data Recovery Centre for further advice if data recovery is needed. Our team will advice accordingly.

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