Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Set an appointment with the official data recovery center.
  2. Case ID registration.
  3. Free assessment service will be provided to verify the drive condition.
  4. Official results will be provided, including finding, complexity level, the time frame needed, and official quotation.
  5. Consider data recovery service.

The recovery fee depends on the device type and complexity level. Usually, an official data recovery center will assist clients in diagnosing their broken devices to verify the device’s condition and the possibility of recovery. If recovery is possible, you will receive a result regarding your device’s state. As the technologies advance, all drive models come with their uniqueness, leading to different complexity levels. You may message the selected data recovery center in Singapore and provide them with your device model and capacity info so that they can provide you with the range of recovery fees based on their past experiences and cases.

Averagely seven business days. It might need a longer time for some situations and will also be stated in the assessment result.

Yes, standard assessment has no charges applied.

Several factors affect the data recovery fee.

First, facilities and infrastructure. For example, to recover data from a broken HDD, a cleanroom, appropriate tools, equipment, donors, and data recovery specialist and identify the best suit recovery method to perform the data recovery process.

Apart from that, the data privacy protocol is also needed in an authorized recovery center. It is a cost for a data recovery center to train their team to handle data and differentiate a proper and non-proper way of disposing of customer devices if required.

Last but not least, research and development. As technology advances, companies require updating knowledge, tools, and technologies so that recovery specialists stay up to date and maintain a high success rate and data recovery effectiveness.

One must survey the market and select those official data recovery centers. It is safe if you choose a proper data recovery center as their team is well trained in handling data to keep your data safe and not disclose it to any other third parties. Of course, it has an exception for legal justification purposes.

All types of storage devices can be recovered. HDD, SSD, Mobile Phone, Tablet, Cassette, CD, VCD, DVD, LTO Tape, Micro SD Card, SD Card, CFast Card, CF Card, CFexpress Card, Tape, Desktop, Laptop, NAS, PC, Server, other types of devices.

The answer is yes or no. Usually, it depends on the platter or NAND flash condition. At the end of the recovery service, we will arrange a data-checking session for the client to verify the recovered data. To ensure they have no dispute after data has been collected.

Expedite service is available. You may request with our customer representative.

There are more than 90% of the cases we manage to recover as long as it is not tempered by any third parties service provider. The estimated success rate will be stated in the assessment result as well.

Suggest not to recover data without proper advice as the information in the online platform does not provide the pros and cons of their recovery method. Mishandling could lead to permanent data loss.

The exact recovery fee will be stated in the official quotation, and no surcharge will apply

Yes, recovery is still possible. It depends on the types of error and severity level.

There is no best data recovery method; it only has the best suit method according to the device condition.